Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
September 11, 2011
Tulley Ann Hall
She has arrived! I wish I could tell everything about the experience, but I'm still in Auburn. I have a Physics test tomorrow and have yet to study for it. After a long night of debate and tears, I decided to stay, with a little comfort from Sally saying she has a test Monday too. I can't believe that I'm actually an aunt! New life has entered the world and I just don't even know how to think. Today is a day to be thankful for many reasons, and now September 11 can be a happy reminder of the way God works in our lives, and how he loves us through all things. I will never forget this day for the rest of my life.