Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
September 24, 2011
Hakuna Matata
Yesterday evening Lauren, Madison, and I stepped back into childhood and went to see Lion King 3D. If there was any possible way to make Lion King better, that was it! It was so amazing and such a timeless movie. There are funny jokes for kids, but when you get older you can recognize the deeper meaning in the story and actually be able to appreciate it. Don't think there aren't any funny parts for adults either because we were laughing the whole time! When we were kids, who would've thought that seventeen years later we'd get to see it again in 3D and love it just as much, if not more? I can't wait to get to share the classic Disney movies with my kids and I hope that they will enjoy them as much as I did and do. I think it's nice to not take ourselves too seriously, to be able to go watch an animated movie and have no shame in enjoying it (and maybe even shedding a small tear). Maybe it convinced me that all the world needs is a little bit more Disney in their life. And I'm going to stop there before I think about it too much and blow my mind with all the great things about it and things that lead up to the making of such an empire.