Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
August 16, 2011
Fall Beginnings
So Summer is circling the drain and I figured it was about time to write a new post. I've made it back to Auburn and can't be more excited about the new year that's ahead! I have my new room all set up in our new place and we're mostly settled except for a few small details. Thanks to some secondhand stores I got some pretty cool things to fit in my new room and I love the fact that they add "character" to what I already have. Classes start back tomorrow so I'm sure there will be more than enough stories to fill another post, and I'll be getting back on the bandwagon to post more often. But for now I'm just thankful for the time I had this summer to spend with family and relax and recharge and to remember what's important to me. Here's to the new Fall beginnings!