Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
August 17, 2011
First Day
Another first day under my belt and it feels nice to have the jitters and nervous anxiety over with! To start the day off, I missed the first bus I should have been on and had to wait too long to make me late for my first class. And of course once I get to the class the only doors to enter are on the front side of the classroom and the only seat left is on the very front row. Can you make this stuff up? Classes were good though and I think I will enjoy what I've gone to so far. My physics professor is Scottish and I know that I will never get bored in that class. His voice is entertainment enough. It will be a good semester and I will learn lots of cool things. On another note, the transit situation coming back from campus is... not preferable to say the least. The bus doesn't come into our complex at all so we had to hike from the road all the way back to our house. I know, at little drama queen, but at least we learned our lesson on that one! I'm looking forward to see what my second first day will bring and hopefully it will be better than the first!