Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
August 24, 2011
Looong Day
It has been a looong day, but fulfilling. It's the days that have the most crammed into them that seem to have the most reward. Class started bright and early as usual, which it's 9:30 right now and I'm in bed. 8 am's are beginning to take their toll slowly and steadily, but I'm still determined to win this race of waking earlier than most students would prefer. Straight after class I embarked on my job hunt. This in itself can be so draining, but I prepared pretty well with a list of the vets to visit and directions for the quickest way to get to all of them, and some extra resumes. I left these at some, filled out applications at others, but one vet asked me to come back today to go ahead and start with volunteer work! Talk about instant gratification. I had to run and buy a scrub top, eat a quick lunch, and head back over there. It was a great experience already. The environment is laid back and they are very eager to teach us what we need to know to help them out. I doubt it will be long before I'll be doing some important things by myself. The situation is exactly what I needed and God answers prayers one step at a time. We'll see how things work out, but I like this deal for now. When I got home we made a dinner of Italian chicken, pasta salad, regular salad, black eyed pea dip and rolls. It was so good, and fun. Our little family all grown up making dinner and eating at the table. Little moments like that are what make me love the college life. This is our time together and we need to make the most of it before reality takes hold of us even more than it already has. I'm getting a little long winded, but overall today was a good day and I ended up conquering about as much as I could have hoped.