Duff Goldman from Ace of Cakes
(This was the best I could get with no flash photography) |
Today was a great day! I felt so productive and the night ended on a great note. Auburn is so awesome, they brought chef Duff Goldman to speak to students. His show was one of my favorites when it was still on. It never ceased to amaze me what they could do and create. He was really cool and down to earth, which is what I love about him. He talked about working with Mark Summers and being in awe of the "Double Dare" guy. He also had some pretty funny stories about Betty White, Paula Deen, and Martha Stewart. But one thing that stuck out to me that he said was that in the beginning he only started baking so that he could be in a band and go on tour. He never set out to revolutionize cake making. He just did things people asked of him no matter how crazy or over the top to be able to pay his bills. And look where he is today! He may or may not have factored God into this equation or his story, but I think in a similar situation if we want to be more like Jesus, and we do what He asks us to, we will revolutionize our own lives with what God has planned for us. We can become successful in something that we never even thought twice about in the first place!
My piece of cake from the decorating
contest. It was so good!