Life isn't always perfect, but in living day to day we begin to appreciate those imperfections. This is my chronicles of life's moments, that hopefully all together will someday make everything make more sense.
April 24, 2011
Early Sunday Morning
This weekend has been so great after the busy week I had. Yesterday I had a bit of a movie day, ending last night with watching Pearl Harbor. It's one of my favorites and makes me cry every time. Must have something to do with Ben Affleck because Armageddon has the same effect. But it is such a great story that I think does a great job of recreating something that otherwise most people will soon never have experienced it or seen any part of it. I guess I'm no expert and didn't live then either, but that's just my opinion. Watching last night though, it really hit me how real that was, that it's not just another movie, that that really happened. And every time I start watering up at the lines, "Danny you can't die! You're gonna be a father." "No, you are.", but this time the water works started flowing much sooner. Seeing the men trapped in the Arizona was something that I cannot even imagine. I read on IMDb that Ben Affleck's granddad turned down the chance to see the movie because he didn't want to relive any part of the war. I feel like we get so desensitized by what we see day to day that something so horrific goes by as just another film. Then I also started to think about how American opinion has changed. What would America have done if the earthquake in Japan had happened shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor? Would there have been the same amount of support? Trust me, I think it's great that we do have the ability to help with the devastation there, but it's just a thought that occurred to me. So if you haven't seen the movie and have about three free hours on your hands, you should watch it. And don't forget some tissues!