April 15, 2011


Most of you that know me know that I'm a big fan of Ashton Kutcher. Which might be an understatement, but you get the drift. Before you judge, know that I don't agree with all of his opinions, but I do think he's a pretty cool guy. Anyway, the whole purpose of this is that I was checking up on my E! news and came across an article about Ashton and Demi and I think they made some valid points and told a cute story. Kutcher says, "It's working on the relationship when it's good. As marriage goes, I think people set 'getting married' as the goal as opposed to being married." So true! A lot of times we just look for a Mr. Right, but not for someone that we imagine ourselves with for the rest of our lives. It's a constant struggle that, I assume (since I'm not married), you have to work on forever. And Demi goes on to tell about how Ashton will leave post-its around the house with different messages on them like, "You're magical." That's just so darn cute! And he says, "Post-its are much cheaper than diamonds." I read somewhere recently that hot guys may make you drool, but funny guys will make you fall in love without you even knowing it. Another little nugget of truth that I can totally agree with! And that's my two cents about this.