April 11, 2011

Summer Lovin'

Whoa! Where has the time gone? It's been a good couple of weeks with no tests or much anything going on, but I feel like I'm at the bottom of the mountain heading up to a big couple of weeks and then to the downhill towards the end of the semester. Let me ask again, where has the time gone? Is it really this time of year again already? I'm so ready for it, that's for sure! This past weekend we had some visitors. Rachel and Randa were here, and it was such a fun time. Rachel brought the Michael Jackson dance game for the Wii and it was so much fun, but definitely made clear my apparent need to workout more often. I'm looking forward to the summer and getting to spend infinite amounts of time doing whatever like we did this weekend. What has two thumbs and is counting down to summer? THIS GIRL!