April 22, 2011

Friday Friday

Wow, it's been a long week, and I am so thankful that it is over with! Some things are weighing in on me though with finals coming up. Just grades and that matter, which every semester I always get worried and then things work out fine, but this time I feel like I have a little more reason to worry than in the past, but I still know that everything will work out just the way it should. I have to cast my cares on the Lord and remove them from my mind. Today has been a perfect ending to the week though. For lunch, Drew who's in hotel restaurant management, had a lunch for one of his classes that they had to cook for and I got to join Meredith and his sister and Dad for it. The food was awesome! It was fancy too, not Chicfila or Papa John's like a normal MWF lunch. We had Caesar salad, basil crusted chicken over mozzarella and pasta with vegetables in it, and for dessert we had tiramisu and berry salad. I felt like I had traveled to Italy for the afternoon. I'd love to actually visit Europe and travel around someday, that's a kind of bucket list thing. But so is cracking an egg with one hand, and I'm getting pretty good at that! Hopefully when I have my education and career under my belt I can tackle some of my bucket list things, which I'll share at a later time. First thing's first though, and I'll keep you posted on how that goes!