Today is Easter, a day that shouldn't just be another holiday on our calendars. This is the most important day in the year for remembrance of why Christians have the hope and assurance of the next life. Jesus conquered all and in Him, we have victory over death too. This is just so huge, it's hard to wrap my mind around. Society tries to decrease it to candy and rabbits or whatever, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Which is another story in itself. I do think it's nice to celebrate with family and do fun things, and trust me, I can throw back some Peeps, but I hope I'll never let it be just that and not what today is supposed to be about. Why do people that aren't Christians celebrate Easter? Why do we as Christians not do more to explain the meaning of it? Let's not let culture take something so sacred and turn it into another weekend we can get off work and give presents. Here is a song that I love and someone tweeted a lyric this morning, but I think it is perfect in honor of today.